Plant List

Indexed Alphabetically by Common Name


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  National Common Name Scientific Name with Author Symbol Family
dacite manzanita Arctostaphylos tomentosa (Pursh) Lindl. ssp. daciticola P.V. Wells ARTOD2 Ericaceae
daddy longlegs orchid Brassavola cucullata (L.) R. Br. ex Ait. f. BRCU Orchidaceae
daffodil garlic Allium neopolitanum Cirillo ALNE8 Liliaceae
daggerpod Anelsonia eurycarpa (Gray) J.F. Macbr. & Payson ANEU Brassicaceae
Dahl's cup lichen Cladonia dahliana Kristinsson CLDA3 Cladoniaceae
Dailey's columbine Aquilegia caerulea James var. daileyae Eastw. AQCAD Ranunculaceae
dainty gilia Aliciella micromeria (Gray) J.M. Porter ALMI10 Polemoniaceae
daisy Chrysanthemum L. CHRYS2 Asteraceae
daisy Chrysanthemum majus (Desf.) Asch. CHMA17 Asteraceae
Dalby myall Acacia stenophylla A. Cunn. ex Benth. ACST5 Fabaceae
Dallas hawthorn Crataegus dallasiana Sarg. CRDA3 Rosaceae
damianita Chrysactinia mexicana Gray CHME3 Asteraceae
dammar pine Agathis dammara (Lamb.) Rich. AGDA2 Araucariaceae
Dane's blood Campanula glomerata L. CAGL2 Campanulaceae
Danish scurvygrass Cochlearia groenlandica L. COGR6 Brassicaceae
darkbrown sedge Carex atrofusca Schkuhr CAAT7 Cyperaceae
darkbrown sedge Carex atrofusca Schkuhr var. atrofusca CAATA3 Cyperaceae
darkbrown sedge Carex atrofusca Schkuhr var. major (Boeckl.) Raymond CAATM Cyperaceae
darkgreen sedge Carex venusta Dewey CAVE7 Cyperaceae
darkgreen sedge Carex venusta Dewey var. minor Boeckl. CAVEM Cyperaceae
darkgreen sedge Carex venusta Dewey var. venusta CAVEV Cyperaceae
darkmargin cracked lichen Acarospora nigromarginata de Lesd. ACNI6 Acarosporaceae
darkred onion Allium atrorubens S. Wats. ALAT Liliaceae
darkred onion Allium atrorubens S. Wats. var. atrorubens ALATA Liliaceae
darkred onion Allium atrorubens S. Wats. var. cristatum (S. Wats.) McNeal ALATC Liliaceae
Darwin's berberis Berberis darwinii Hook. BEDA Berberidaceae
Davidson's blue eyed Mary Collinsia bartsiifolia Benth. var. davidsonii (Parish) Newsom COBAD Scrophulariaceae
Davidson's bractscale Atriplex serenana A. Nels. var. davidsonii (Standl.) Munz ATSED Chenopodiaceae
Davidson's rockcress Arabis davidsonii Greene ARDA Brassicaceae
Davidson's rockcress Arabis davidsonii Greene var. davidsonii ARDAD Brassicaceae
Davidson's rockcress Arabis davidsonii Greene var. parva Rollins ARDAP Brassicaceae
Davidson's saltbush Atriplex pacifica A. Nels. ATPA Chenopodiaceae
Davis' milkweed Asclepias cryptoceras S. Wats. ssp. davisii (Woods.) Woods. ASCRD2 Asclepiadaceae
Davis' sedge Carex davisii Schwein. & Torr. CADA Cyperaceae
Davis' springparsley Cymopterus davisii R.L. Hartman CYDA3 Apiaceae
Davy's centaury Centaurium davyi (Jepson) Abrams CEDA Gentianaceae
Davy's clarkia Clarkia davyi (Jepson) H.F. & M.E. Lewis CLDA Onagraceae
Davy's sedge Carex davyi Mackenzie CADA2 Cyperaceae
Dawson's angelica Angelica dawsonii S. Wats. ANDA Apiaceae
day jessamine Cestrum diurnum L. CEDI6 Solanaceae
dayflower Commelina L. COMME Commelinaceae
dead finish Acacia tetragonophylla F. Muell. ACTE8 Fabaceae
Dealbata's bahia Bahia absinthifolia Benth. var. dealbata (Gray) Gray BAABD Asteraceae
Deam's threeseed mercury Acalypha deamii (Weatherby) Ahles ACDE4 Euphorbiaceae
Deane's milkvetch Astragalus deanei (Rydb.) Barneby ASDE Fabaceae
Deane's wattle Acacia deanei (R. T. Baker) M. B. Welch et al. ACDE11 Fabaceae
Death Valley sandmat Chamaesyce vallis-mortae Millsp. CHVA4 Euphorbiaceae
Death Valley suncup Camissonia munzii (Raven) Raven CAMU14 Onagraceae
Debeque milkvetch Astragalus debequaeus Welsh ASDE11 Fabaceae
debris milkvetch Astragalus detritalis M.E. Jones ASDE5 Fabaceae
deepscar cryptantha Cryptantha excavata Brandeg. CREX Boraginaceae
deepwoods fern Cnemidaria horrida (L.) K. Presl CNHO Cyatheaceae
deepwoods horsebalm Collinsonia tuberosa Michx. COTU2 Lamiaceae
deer fern Blechnum spicant (L.) Sm. BLSP Blechnaceae
deer Indian paintbrush Castilleja cervina Greenm. CACE4 Scrophulariaceae
deer sedge Carex hallii Olney CAHA3 Cyperaceae
deerbrush Ceanothus integerrimus Hook. & Arn. CEIN3 Rhamnaceae
deer's foot Achlys californica Fukuda & Baker ACCA6 Berberidaceae
deflexed eggyolk lichen Candelariella deflexa (Nyl.) Zahlbr. CADE23 Candelariaceae
deformed cup lichen Cladonia deformis (L.) Hoffm. CLDE60 Cladoniaceae
degame Calycophyllum candidissimum (Vahl) DC. CACA73 Rubiaceae
Degener's argyrautia ×Argyrautia degeneri Sherff [Arygroxiphium grayanum × Dubautia laxa] ARDE4 Asteraceae
Degener's cyanea Cyanea floribunda F. Wimmer CYFL4 Campanulaceae
Del Mar manzanita Arctostaphylos glandulosa Eastw. ssp. crassifolia (Jepson) P.V. Wells ARGLC4 Ericaceae
Del Norte manzanita Arctostaphylos nortensis P.V. Wells ARNO6 Ericaceae
delicate arctomia lichen Arctomia delicatula Th. Fr. ARDE9 Arctomiaceae
delicate brachythecium moss Brachythecium delicatulum Flow. BRDE9 Brachytheciaceae
delicate lacefern Ctenitis latifrons (Brack.) Copeland CTLA Dryopteridaceae
Delmarva beggarticks Bidens bidentoides (Nutt.) Britt. BIBI3 Asteraceae
delta maidenhair Adiantum raddianum K. Presl ADRA Pteridaceae
deltoid balsamroot Balsamorhiza deltoidea Nutt. BADE2 Asteraceae
deltoid-bract saltbush Atriplex subtilis Stutz & Chu ATSU5 Chenopodiaceae
dense ayenia Ayenia microphylla Gray AYMI Sterculiaceae
dense false gilyflower Allophyllum gilioides (Benth.) A.& V. Grant ALGI Polemoniaceae
dense false gilyflower Allophyllum gilioides (Benth.) A.& V. Grant ssp. gilioides ALGIG Polemoniaceae
dense false gilyflower Allophyllum gilioides (Benth.) A.& V. Grant ssp. violaceum (Heller) Day ALGIV Polemoniaceae
dense sedge Carex densa (Bailey) Bailey CADE8 Cyperaceae
dense silkybent Apera interrupta (L.) Beauv. APIN Poaceae
dense spleenwort Asplenium trichomanes L. ssp. densum (Brack.) W.H. Wagner ASTRD3 Aspleniaceae
denseflower Indian paintbrush Castilleja densiflora (Benth.) Chuang & Heckard CADE29 Scrophulariaceae
denseflower Indian paintbrush Castilleja densiflora (Benth.) Chuang & Heckard ssp. densiflora CADED3 Scrophulariaceae
denseflower Indian paintbrush Castilleja densiflora (Benth.) Chuang & Heckard ssp. gracilis (Benth.) Chuang & Heckard CADEG Scrophulariaceae
denseleaf pussytoes Antennaria densifolia Porsild ANDE9 Asteraceae
densetuft hairsedge Bulbostylis capillaris (L.) Kunth ex C.B. Clarke BUCA2 Cyperaceae
densetuft hairsedge Bulbostylis capillaris (L.) Kunth ex C.B. Clarke ssp. antillana (Britt.) T. Koyama BUCAA Cyperaceae
densetuft hairsedge Bulbostylis capillaris (L.) Kunth ex C.B. Clarke ssp. capillaris BUCAC Cyperaceae
densewoods hawthorn Crataegus latebrosa Sarg. CRLA11 Rosaceae
dentate clausena Clausena dentata (Willd.) M. Roemer CLDE9 Rutaceae
dentnut cryptantha Cryptantha abata I.M. Johnston CRAB2 Boraginaceae
Deodar cedar Cedrus deodara (Roxb.) G. Don f. CEDE2 Pinaceae
depauperate milkvetch Astragalus pauperculus Greene ASPA15 Fabaceae
Descanso milkvetch Astragalus oocarpus Gray ASOO2 Fabaceae
deseret milkvetch Astragalus desereticus Barneby ASDE2 Fabaceae
desert agave Agave deserti Engelm. AGDE Agavaceae
desert agave Agave deserti Engelm. ssp. deserti AGDED Agavaceae
desert agave Agave deserti Engelm. ssp. simplex Gentry AGDES Agavaceae
desert aspicilia Aspicilia desertorum (Krempelh.) Mereschk. ASDE19 Hymeneliaceae
desert baccharis Baccharis sergiloides Gray BASE Asteraceae
desert bearpoppy Arctomecon merriamii Coville ARME2 Papaveraceae
desert bird's-beak Cordylanthus eremicus (Coville & Morton) Munz COER6 Scrophulariaceae
desert bird's-beak Cordylanthus eremicus (Coville & Morton) Munz ssp. eremicus COERE2 Scrophulariaceae
desert brickellbush Brickellia desertorum Coville BRDE3 Asteraceae
desert candle Caulanthus inflatus S. Wats. CAIN15 Brassicaceae
desert ceanothus Ceanothus greggii Gray CEGR Rhamnaceae
desert ceanothus Ceanothus greggii Gray var. franklinii Welsh CEGRF Rhamnaceae
desert ceanothus Ceanothus greggii Gray var. greggii CEGRG2 Rhamnaceae
desert ceanothus Ceanothus greggii Gray var. perplexans (Trel.) Jepson CEGRP Rhamnaceae
desert centaury Centaurium exaltatum (Griseb.) W. Wight ex Piper CEEX Gentianaceae
desert columbine Aquilegia desertorum (M.E. Jones) Cockerell ex Heller AQDE Ranunculaceae
desert cryptantha Cryptantha similis Mathew & Raven CRSI4 Boraginaceae
desert date Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Del. BAAE Zygophyllaceae
desert dodder Cuscuta denticulata Engelm. CUDE2 Cuscutaceae
desert dodder Cuscuta denticulata Engelm. var. denticulata CUDED Cuscutaceae
desert false indigo Amorpha fruticosa L. AMFR Fabaceae
desert foxglove Brachystigma Pennell BRACH5 Scrophulariaceae
desert goosefoot Chenopodium pratericola Rydb. CHPR5 Chenopodiaceae
desert hawthorn Crataegus viridis L. var. desertorum (Sarg.) Keeney & Enquist CRVID Rosaceae
desert honeysuckle Anisacanthus Nees ANISA Acanthaceae
desert madwort Alyssum desertorum Stapf ALDE Brassicaceae
desert madwort Alyssum desertorum Stapf var. desertorum ALDED Brassicaceae
desert madwort Alyssum desertorum Stapf var. himalayensis Dudley ALDEH Brassicaceae
desert marigold Baileya Harvey & Gray ex Gray BAILE Asteraceae
desert marigold Baileya multiradiata Harvey & Gray ex Gray BAMU Asteraceae
desert mariposa lily Calochortus kennedyi Porter CAKE Liliaceae
desert mariposa lily Calochortus kennedyi Porter var. kennedyi CAKEK2 Liliaceae
desert mariposa lily Calochortus kennedyi Porter var. munzii Jepson CAKEM Liliaceae
desert milkweed Asclepias erosa Torr. ASER2 Asclepiadaceae
desert myrtlecroton Bernardia obovata I.M. Johnston BEOB Euphorbiaceae
desert needlegrass Achnatherum speciosum (Trin. & Rupr.) Barkworth ACSP12 Poaceae
desert pale gilia Aliciella hutchinsifolia (Rydb.) J.M. Porter ALHU6 Polemoniaceae
desert pussypaws Cistanthe ambigua (S. Wats.) Hershkovitz CIAM3 Portulacaceae
desert rockcress Arabis lignifera A. Nels. ARLI Brassicaceae
desert rose Adenium Roem. & Schult. ADENI Apocynaceae
desert sand verbena Abronia villosa S. Wats. ABVI Nyctaginaceae
desert sand verbena Abronia villosa S. Wats. var. aurita (Abrams) Jepson ABVIA Nyctaginaceae
desert sand verbena Abronia villosa S. Wats. var. villosa ABVIV Nyctaginaceae
desert silverbush Argythamnia claryana Jepson ARCL2 Euphorbiaceae
desert springparsley Cymopterus deserticola Brandeg. CYDE Apiaceae
desert starvine Brandegea bigelovii (S. Wats.) Cogn. BRBI Cucurbitaceae
desert suncup Camissonia boothii (Dougl. ex Lehm.) Raven ssp. desertorum (Munz) Raven CABOD2 Onagraceae
desert sweet Chamaebatiaria (Porter) Maxim. CHAMA2 Rosaceae
desert sweet Chamaebatiaria millefolium (Torr.) Maxim. CHMI2 Rosaceae
desert thistle Cirsium aridum Dorn CIAR9 Asteraceae
desert wheatgrass Agropyron desertorum (Fisch. ex Link) J.A. Schultes AGDE2 Poaceae
desert willow Chilopsis D. Don CHILO Bignoniaceae
desert willow Chilopsis linearis (Cav.) Sweet CHLI2 Bignoniaceae
desert willow Chilopsis linearis (Cav.) Sweet ssp. arcuata (Fosberg) Henrickson CHLIA Bignoniaceae
desert willow Chilopsis linearis (Cav.) Sweet ssp. linearis CHLIL2 Bignoniaceae
desertbroom Baccharis sarothroides Gray BASA2 Asteraceae
desertgrass Blepharidachne Hack. BLEPH Poaceae
desertholly Atriplex hymenelytra (Torr.) S. Wats. ATHY Chenopodiaceae
desertmountain blue eyed Mary Collinsia callosa Parish COCA3 Scrophulariaceae
desertpeony Acourtia D. Don ACOUR Asteraceae
desert-rose Adenium obesum (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult. ADOB2 Apocynaceae
desolation columbine Aquilegia desolatica Welsh & Atwood AQDE2 Ranunculaceae
devil's beggartick Bidens frondosa L. BIFR Asteraceae
devil's darning needles Clematis virginiana L. CLVI5 Ranunculaceae
devil's gut Cassytha filiformis L. CAFI4 Lauraceae
devil's horsewhip Achyranthes aspera L. ACAS Amaranthaceae
devil's horsewhip Achyranthes aspera L. var. aspera ACASA Amaranthaceae
devil's horsewhip Achyranthes aspera L. var. pubescens (Moq.) Townsend ACASP Amaranthaceae
devil's spineflower Chorizanthe rigida (Torr.) Torr. & Gray CHRI Polygonaceae
devil's tongue Amorphophallus konjac K. Koch AMKO2 Araceae
devil's walkingstick Aralia spinosa L. ARSP2 Araliaceae
deviltree Alstonia macrophylla Wallich ex G. Don ALMA16 Apocynaceae
Dewey sedge Carex deweyana Schwein. CADE9 Cyperaceae
Dewey sedge Carex deweyana Schwein. var. deweyana CADED4 Cyperaceae
diamond clarkia Clarkia rhomboidea Dougl. ex Hook. CLRH Onagraceae
diamond creepingfern Bolbitis aliena (Sw.) Alston BOAL2 Dryopteridaceae
diamond maidenhair Adiantum trapeziforme L. ADTR4 Pteridaceae
diamond spleenwort Asplenium rhomboideum Brack. ASRH3 Aspleniaceae
Diamond Valley suncup Camissonia gouldii Raven CAGO Onagraceae
diamondleaf lacefern Ctenitis hirta (Sw.) Ching CTHI Dryopteridaceae
diamondleaf lacefern Ctenitis hirta (Sw.) Ching var. hirta (Sw.) Ching [excluded] CTHIH2 Dryopteridaceae
diamondleaf lacefern Ctenitis hirta (Sw.) Ching var. portoricana (C. Christens.) Proctor CTHIP Dryopteridaceae
Diehl's milkvetch Astragalus flexuosus (Hook.) Dougl. ex G. Don var. diehlii (M.E. Jones) Barneby ASFLD Fabaceae
Diels' cotoneaster Cotoneaster dielsianus E. Pritz. CODI16 Rosaceae
different-nerve sedge Carex heteroneura W. Boott CAHE8 Cyperaceae
different-nerve sedge Carex heteroneura W. Boott var. brevisquama F.J. Herm. CAHEB Cyperaceae
different-nerve sedge Carex heteroneura W. Boott var. epapillosa (Mackenzie) F.J. Herm. CAHEE Cyperaceae
different-nerve sedge Carex heteroneura W. Boott var. heteroneura CAHEH3 Cyperaceae
different-spike sedge Carex heterostachya Bung CAHE27 Cyperaceae
diffuse collomia Collomia tenella Gray COTE Polemoniaceae
diffuse dot lichen Arthonia diffusa Nyl. ARDI18 Arthoniaceae
diffuse knapweed Centaurea diffusa Lam. CEDI3 Asteraceae
diffuse spineflower Chorizanthe diffusa Benth. CHDI3 Polygonaceae
diffused flatsedge Cyperus diffusus Vahl CYDI12 Cyperaceae
diffuseflower evening-primrose Camissonia subacaulis (Pursh) Raven CASU18 Onagraceae
dill Anethum graveolens L. ANGR2 Apiaceae
dill Anethum L. ANETH Apiaceae
dill daisy Argyranthemum foeniculum (Willd.) Schultz-Bip. ARFO7 Asteraceae
dill daisy Argyranthemum Webb ARGYR3 Asteraceae
diminutive chryso-hypnum moss Chryso-hypnum diminutivum (Hampe) Buck CHDI8 Hypnaceae
Dinosaur milkvetch Astragalus saurinus Barneby ASSA5 Fabaceae
dioecious sedge Carex sterilis Willd. CAST16 Cyperaceae
Diogenes' lantern Calochortus amabilis Purdy CAAM3 Liliaceae
disc lichen Buellia aethalia (Ach.) Th. Fr. BUAE Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia amphidexia Imshaug ex R. C. Harris BUAM3 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia badia (Fr.) A. Massal. BUBA3 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia bolacina Tuck. BUBO Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia calcariaecola de Lesd. BUCA7 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia caloosensis Tuck. BUCA8 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia capitis-regnum W. A. Weber BUCA9 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia catasema (Tuck.) Tuck. BUCA10 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia coccinea (Fee) Aptroot BUCO2 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia curatellae Malme BUCU3 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia De Not. BUELL Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia dialyta (Nyl.) Tuck. BUDI2 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia disciformis (Fr.) Mudd BUDI60 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia elizae (Tuck.) Tuck. BUEL3 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia epigaea (Pers.) Tuck. BUEP Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia erubescens Arnold BUER2 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia fimbriata (Tuck.) Imshaug BUFI Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia griseovirens (Turner & Borrer ex Sm.) Almb. BUGR2 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia halonia (Ach.) Tuck. BUHA2 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia insignis (Nageli ex Hepp) Th. Fr. BUIN Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia jugorum (Arnold) Arnold BUJU3 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia lacteoidea de Lesd. BULA5 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia lauricassiae (Fee) Mull. Arg. BULA6 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia lepidastra (Tuck.) Tuck. BULE2 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia leptocline (Flotow) A. Massal. BULE3 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia mamillana (Tuck.) W. A. Weber BUMA2 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia melanochroa (Krempelh.) Mull. Arg. BUME2 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia microbola (Tuck. ex Fink) Sheard BUMI3 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia modesta (Krempelh.) Mull. Arg. BUMO3 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia nantiana de Lesd. BUNA Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia notabilis Lynge BUNO Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia ocellata (Flotow) Korber BUOC Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia oidalea (Nyl.) Tuck. BUOI Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia pachnidisca R. C. Harris BUPA3 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia papillata (Sommerf.) Tuck. BUPA60 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia placodiomorpha Vainio BUPL Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia pulverulenta (Anzi) Jatta BUPU2 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia retrovertens Tuck. BURE2 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia rubifaciens R. C. Harris BURU4 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia saurina W. A. Weber BUSA3 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia saxicola de Lesd. BUSA4 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia semitensis Tuck. BUSE4 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia silicicola de Lesd. BUSI2 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia smaragdula de Lesd. BUSM2 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia spuria (Schaerer) Anzi BUSP2 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia stellulata (Taylor) Mudd BUST2 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia stigmaea Tuck. BUST3 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia stigmatea Korber BUST4 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia triphragmioides Anzi BUTR2 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia turgescens Tuck. BUTU Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia uberior Anzi BUUB Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia vernicoma (Tuck.) Tuck. BUVE2 Physciaceae
disc lichen Buellia vilis Th. Fr. BUVI Physciaceae
discolor orange lichen Caloplaca discolor (Willey) Fink CADI33 Teloschistaceae
disjunct coenogonium lichen Coenogonium disjunctum Nyl. CODI12 Gyalectaceae
disk waterhyssop Bacopa rotundifolia (Michx.) Wettst. BARO Scrophulariaceae
dispersed dot lichen Arthonia dispersa (Schrader) Nyl. ARDI20 Arthoniaceae
dispersed eggyolk lichen Candelariella dispersa (Rasanen) Hakul. CADI35 Candelariaceae
dispersed orange lichen Caloplaca dispersa de Lesd. CADI34 Teloschistaceae
distaff thistle Carthamus L. CARTH Asteraceae
distant sedge Carex distans L. CADI27 Cyperaceae
distinct hawthorn Crataegus distincta Kruschke CRDI11 Rosaceae
ditch reedgrass Calamagrostis scopulorum M.E. Jones CASC Poaceae
divi divi Caesalpinia coriaria (Jacq.) Willd. CACO28 Fabaceae
divided rockcress Arabis schistacea Rollins ARSC2 Brassicaceae
Dixie grapefern Botrychium jenmanii Underwood BOJE Ophioglossaceae
dixie hawthorn Crataegus arrogans Beadle CRAR8 Rosaceae
dixie sandmat Chamaesyce bombensis (Jacq.) Dugand CHBO7 Euphorbiaceae
Dixie sedge Carex communis Bailey var. amplisquama (F.J. Herm.) J. Rettig CACOA2 Cyperaceae
djave Baillonella toxisperma Pierre BATO3 Sapotaceae
dodder Cuscuta L. CUSCU Cuscutaceae
Dodge's anema lichen Anema dodgei Herre ANDO4 Lichinaceae
Dodge's hawthorn Crataegus dodgei Ashe CRDO3 Rosaceae
dogbane Apocynum L. APOCY Apocynaceae
dogfennel Chamaemelum P. Mill. CHAMA11 Asteraceae
dogstail grass Cynosurus L. CYNOS2 Poaceae
dogtail Buddleja asiatica Lour. BUAS Buddlejaceae
dogweed Adenophyllum Pers. ADENO5 Asteraceae
dogwood Cornus L. CORNU Cornaceae
doll's daisy Boltonia L'Hér. BOLTO Asteraceae
Domingan coccocarpia lichen Coccocarpia domingensis Vainio CODO3 Coccocarpiaceae
Domin's club Cheirodendron dominii Krajina CHDO3 Araliaceae
doncella Byrsonima spicata (Cav.) Kunth BYSP Malpighiaceae
Donnell's anthoceros Anthoceros donnelli Aust. ANDO5 Anthocerotaceae
Donnell's archidium moss Archidium donnellii Aust. ARDO6 Archidiaceae
Dore's needlegrass Achnatherum nelsonii (Scribn.) Barkworth ssp. dorei (Barkworth & Maze) Barkworth ACNED Poaceae
dot lichen Arthonia Ach. ARTHO Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia albofuscescens Tuck. ARAL16 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia albovirescens Nyl. ARAL17 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia aleuromela Nyl. ARAL18 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia arthonioides (Ach.) A. L. Sm. ARAR22 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia astericus Mull. Arg. ARAS2 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia atrata (Fee) Mull. Arg. ARAT7 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia bisepta Degel. ARBI9 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia byssacea (Weigel) Almq. ARBY Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia caesia (Flotow) Korber ARCA35 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia carneorufa Willey ARCA37 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia caudata Willey ARCA38 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia chiodectella Nyl. ARCH11 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia cinereopruinosa Schaerer ARCI4 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia complanata Fee ARCO28 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia conferta (Fee) Nyl. ARCO29 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia cupressina Tuck. ARCU6 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia cytisi A. Massal. ARCY3 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia didyma Korber ARDI17 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia diffusella Fink ARDI19 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia dispersula Nyl. ARDI21 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia epipastoides Nyl. AREP Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia erubescens Willey ARER4 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia erupta Nyl. ARER5 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia excedens Nyl. AREX2 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia exilis (Florke) Anzi AREX3 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia fuliginosa (Schaer) Flotow ARFU5 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia glaucescens Nyl. ARGL15 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia glaucomaria (Nyl.) Nyl. ARGL16 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia glebosa Tuck. ARGL17 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia granosa de Lesd. ARGR15 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia gyalectoides Mull Arg. ARGY2 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia hamamelidis Nyl. ARHA6 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia hypobela (Nyl.) Zahlbr. ARHY3 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia impallens Nyl. ARIM2 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia incarnata Fr. ex Almq. ARIN14 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia intexta Almq. ARIN15 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia lapidicola (Taylor) Branth & Rostrup ARLA25 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia lecanactidea Zahlbr. ARLE6 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia lecideella Nyl. ARLE7 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia leucastraea Tuck. ARLE8 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia leucopellaea (Ach.) Almq. ARLE10 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia luridoalba Nyl. ARLU5 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia mediella Nyl. ARME10 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia melaspora Tuck. ARME11 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia microspermella Willey ARMI10 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia ochrocincta Willey AROC3 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia ochrodiscodes Nyl. AROC4 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia ochrolutea Nyl. AROC5 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia palmulacea (Mull. Arg.) R. Sant. ARPA29 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia patellulata Nyl. ARPA30 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia perminuta Willey ARPE15 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia phaeobaea (Norman) Norman ARPH2 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia pinastri Anzi ARPI4 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia platygraphidea Nyl. ARPL7 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia platyspilea Nyl. ARPL8 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia polygramma Nyl. ARPO11 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia polymorpha Ach. ARPO12 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia pruinosella Nyl. ARPR8 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia pruinosula Nyl. ARPR9 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia punctiformis Ach. ARPU19 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia pyrrhula Nyl. ARPY5 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia pyrrhuliza Nyl. ARPY6 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia quintaria Nyl. ARQU2 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia radiata (Pers.) Ach. ARRA4 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia rhoidis Zahlbr. ARRH4 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia rubella (Fee) Nyl. ARRU8 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia rupicola Fink ARRU9 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia sexlocularis Zahlbr. ARSE16 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia siderea Degel. ARSI7 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia spadicea Leighton ARSP10 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia stictella Stizenb. ARST11 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia subastroidella Nyl. ARSU13 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia subdiffusa Willey ARSU14 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia subdispuncta Nyl. ARSU15 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia subminutissima Nyl. ARSU16 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia subminutula Nyl. ARSU17 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia subrubella Nyl. ARSU18 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia taedescens Nyl. ARTA Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia terrigena Nyl. ARTE10 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia tetramera (Stizenb.) Hasse ARTE11 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia torulosa Fee ARTO6 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia varia (Ach.) Nyl. ARVA3 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia vernans Willey ARVE5 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia viridicans Willey ARVI14 Arthoniaceae
dot lichen Arthonia xylographica Nyl. ARXY Arthoniaceae
dotted hawthorn Crataegus punctata Jacq. CRPU Rosaceae
dotted lichen Bacidia arceutina (Ach.) Arnold BAAR4 Bacidiaceae
dotted lichen Bacidia artyta (Ach.) BAAR6 Bacidiaceae
dotted lichen Bacidia De Not. BACID Bacidiaceae
dotted lichen Bacidia granosa (Tuck.) Zahlbr. BAGR Bacidiaceae
dotted lichen Bacidia herbarum (Stizenb.) Arnold BAHE3 Bacidiaceae
dotted lichen Bacidia illudens (Nyl.) Lynge BAIL Bacidiaceae
dotted lichen Bacidia ioessa Herre BAIO2 Bacidiaceae
dotted lichen Bacidia laurocerasi (Delise ex Duby) Zahlbr. BALA7 Bacidiaceae
dotted lichen Bacidia medialis (Tuck. ex Nyl.) de Lesd. BAME4 Bacidiaceae
dotted lichen Bacidia nivalis Follmann BANI2 Bacidiaceae
dotted lichen Bacidia pallens (Kullhem) Zahlbr. BAPA4 Bacidiaceae
dotted lichen Bacidia polychroa (Th. Fr.) Korber BAPO4 Bacidiaceae
dotted lichen Bacidia rosella (Pers.) De Not. BARO3 Bacidiaceae
dotted lichen Bacidia rubella (Hoffm.) A. Massal. BARU2 Bacidiaceae
dotted lichen Bacidia rubidofusca (Willey) Zahlbr. BARU3 Bacidiaceae
dotted lichen Bacidia saxicola Looman BASA6 Bacidiaceae
dotted lichen Bacidia scopulicola (Nyl.) A. L. Sm. BASC3 Bacidiaceae
dotted lichen Bacidia subincompta (Nyl.) Arnold BASU4 Bacidiaceae
dotted lichen Bacidia suffusa (Fr.) A. Schneider BASU5 Bacidiaceae
dotted lichen Bacidia trachona (Ach.) Lettau BATR3 Bacidiaceae
dotted onion Allium punctum Henderson ALPU Liliaceae
double edge maidenhair Adiantum anceps Maxon & Morton ADAN2 Pteridaceae
doubtful chickweed Cerastium dubium (Bast.) Guépin CEDU2 Caryophyllaceae
doubtful knight's-spur Consolida ajacis (L.) Schur COAJ Ranunculaceae
doubting mariposa lily Calochortus ambiguus (M.E. Jones) Ownbey CAAM4 Liliaceae
Douglas' dustymaiden Chaenactis douglasii (Hook.) Hook. & Arn. CHDO Asteraceae
Douglas' dustymaiden Chaenactis douglasii (Hook.) Hook. & Arn. var. douglasii CHDOD Asteraceae
Douglas' fiddleneck Amsinckia douglasiana A. DC. AMDO Boraginaceae
Douglas fir dwarf mistletoe Arceuthobium douglasii Engelm. ARDO Viscaceae
Douglas maple Acer glabrum Torr. var. douglasii (Hook.) Dippel ACGLD4 Aceraceae
Douglas' onion Allium douglasii Hook. ALDO Liliaceae
Douglas' sagewort Artemisia douglasiana Bess. ex Hook. ARDO3 Asteraceae
Douglas' sedge Carex douglasii Boott CADO2 Cyperaceae
Douglas' spiny milkvetch Astragalus kentrophyta Gray var. douglasii Barneby ASKED2 Fabaceae
Douglas' thistle Cirsium douglasii DC. CIDO2 Asteraceae
Douglas' thistle Cirsium douglasii DC. var. breweri (Petrak) Keil & C. Turner CIDOB2 Asteraceae
Douglas' thistle Cirsium douglasii DC. var. douglasii CIDOD Asteraceae
Douglas' tickseed Coreopsis douglasii (DC.) Hall CODO2 Asteraceae
Douglass' springparsley Cymopterus douglassii R.L. Hartman & Constance CYDO2 Apiaceae
dove weed Croton setigerus Hook. CRSE11 Euphorbiaceae
downy alpine oatgrass Avenula pubescens (Huds.) Dumort. AVPU2 Poaceae
downy birch Betula pubescens Ehrh. BEPU5 Betulaceae
downy birch Betula pubescens Ehrh. var. pubescens BEPUP4 Betulaceae
downy hawthorn Crataegus mollis Scheele CRMO2 Rosaceae
downy Indian paintbrush Castilleja purpurea (Nutt.) G. Don CAPU11 Scrophulariaceae
downy Indian paintbrush Castilleja purpurea (Nutt.) G. Don var. purpurea CAPUP5 Scrophulariaceae
downy pagoda-plant Blephilia ciliata (L.) Benth. BLCI Lamiaceae
downy paintedcup Castilleja sessiliflora Pursh CASE5 Scrophulariaceae
downy serviceberry Amelanchier arborea (Michx. f.) Fern. var. austromontana (Ashe) Ahles AMARA5 Rosaceae
downy yellow false foxglove Aureolaria virginica (L.) Pennell AUVI Scrophulariaceae
dozedaisy Aphanostephus DC. APHAN3 Asteraceae
Dragon milkvetch Astragalus lutosus M.E. Jones ASLU2 Fabaceae
dragon's mouth Arethusa bulbosa L. ARBU Orchidaceae
dragon's mouth Arethusa L. ARETH Orchidaceae
Dress' goldenaster Chrysopsis linearifolia Semple ssp. dressii Semple CHLID Asteraceae
drooping milkvetch Astragalus reflexus Torr. & Gray ASRE3 Fabaceae
drooping sedge Carex prasina Wahlenb. CAPR12 Cyperaceae
drooping she-oak Allocasuarina verticillata (Lam.) L. A. S. Johnson ALVE7 Casuarinaceae
drooping wattle Acacia difformis R. T. Baker ACDI8 Fabaceae
drooping woodland sedge Carex arctata Boott ex Hook. CAAR3 Cyperaceae
drooping woodreed Cinna latifolia (Trev. ex Goepp.) Griseb. CILA2 Poaceae
dropseed Blepharoneuron Nash BLEPH4 Poaceae
dropseed rockcress Arabis holboellii Hornem. var. pendulocarpa (A. Nels.) Rollins ARHOP2 Brassicaceae
Drummond's anemone Anemone drummondii S. Wats. ANDR Ranunculaceae
Drummond's anemone Anemone drummondii S. Wats. ssp. drummondii ANDRD Ranunculaceae
Drummond's bruchia moss Bruchia drummondii Hampe ex Britt. BRDR2 Bruchiaceae
Drummond's clematis Clematis drummondii Torr. & Gray CLDR Ranunculaceae
Drummond's maple Acer rubrum L. var. drummondii (Hook. & Arn. ex Nutt.) Sarg. ACRUD Aceraceae
Drummond's milkvetch Astragalus drummondii Dougl. ex Hook. ASDR3 Fabaceae
Drummond's onion Allium drummondii Regel ALDR Liliaceae
Drummond's rockcress Arabis drummondii Gray ARDR Brassicaceae
Drummond's sedge Carex rupestris All. var. drummondiana (Dewey) Bailey CARUD Cyperaceae
Drummond's sedge Cyperus drummondii Torr. & Gray CYDR4 Cyperaceae
Drummond's wattle Acacia drummondii Lindl. ACDR2 Fabaceae
dry calcareous bryum moss Bryum caespiticium Hedw. BRCA71 Bryaceae
dryspike sedge Carex siccata Dewey CASI12 Cyperaceae
Duane's milkvetch Astragalus pinonis M.E. Jones var. atwoodii (Welsh & Thorne) Barneby & Isely ASPIA Fabaceae
Duchesne milkvetch Astragalus duchesnensis M.E. Jones ASDU2 Fabaceae
Duchesne rockcress Arabis pulchra M.E. Jones ex S. Wats. var. duchesnensis Rollins ARPUD Brassicaceae
Dudley's clarkia Clarkia dudleyana (Abrams) J.F. Macbr. CLDU Onagraceae
Dudley's sedge Carex dudleyi Mackenzie CADU2 Cyperaceae
duke hawthorn Crataegus stenosepala Sarg. CRST Rosaceae
dullgreen spleenwort Asplenium radicans L. ASRA6 Aspleniaceae
Dunbar's hawthorn Crataegus beata Sarg. CRBE6 Rosaceae
dunhead sedge Carex phaeocephala Piper CAPH2 Cyperaceae
Dunn's mariposa lily Calochortus dunnii Purdy CADU Liliaceae
Durietz's orange lichen Caloplaca durietzii Zahlbr. CADU8 Teloschistaceae
dusky dogfennel Chamaemelum fuscatum (Brot.) Vasc. CHFU2 Asteraceae
dusky onion Allium campanulatum S. Wats. ALCA2 Liliaceae
duskyseed sedge Carex pelocarpa F.J. Herm. CAPE5 Cyperaceae
dust lichen Chrysothrix candelaris (L.) J. R. Laundon CHCA31 Chrysotrichaceae
dust lichen Chrysothrix chlorina (Ach.) J. R. Laundon CHCH15 Chrysotrichaceae
dust lichen Chrysothrix Mont. CHRYS12 Chrysotrichaceae
dustseed Acisanthera quadrata Pers. ACQU Melastomataceae
dusty miller Centaurea cineraria L. CECI2 Asteraceae
dutch crocus Crocus vernus (L.) Hill CRVE4 Iridaceae
dutchman's pipe Aristolochia L. ARIST2 Aristolochiaceae
dwarf alpine hawksbeard Crepis nana Richards. CRNA Asteraceae
dwarf alpine hawksbeard Crepis nana Richards. ssp. clivicola Leggett CRNAC Asteraceae
dwarf alpine hawksbeard Crepis nana Richards. ssp. nana CRNAN Asteraceae
dwarf alpine hawksbeard Crepis nana Richards. ssp. ramosa Babcock CRNAR Asteraceae
dwarf alpine Indian paintbrush Castilleja nana Eastw. CANA3 Scrophulariaceae
dwarf ayenia Ayenia insulicola Cristobal AYIN2 Sterculiaceae
dwarf birch Betula nana L. BENA Betulaceae
dwarf brodiaea Brodiaea terrestris Kellogg BRTE4 Liliaceae
dwarf brodiaea Brodiaea terrestris Kellogg ssp. terrestris BRTET Liliaceae
dwarf burr ragweed Ambrosia pumila (Nutt.) Gray AMPU4 Asteraceae
dwarf ceanothus Ceanothus pumilus Greene CEPU Rhamnaceae
dwarf century plant Agave desmettiana Jacobi AGDE4 Agavaceae
dwarf coastweed Amblyopappus pusillus Hook. & Arn. AMPU3 Asteraceae
dwarf desert honeysuckle Anisacanthus puberulus (Torr.) Henrickson & Lott ANPU6 Acanthaceae
dwarf desertpeony Acourtia nana (Gray) Reveal & King ACNA2 Asteraceae
dwarf false indigo Amorpha nana Nutt. AMNA Fabaceae
dwarf fireweed Chamerion latifolium (L.) Holub CHLA13 Onagraceae
dwarf goldenstar Bloomeria humilis Hoover BLHU Liliaceae
dwarf hackberry Celtis tenuifolia Nutt. CETE Ulmaceae
dwarf hawthorn Crataegus uniflora Muenchh. CRUN Rosaceae
dwarf horseweed Conyza ramosissima Cronq. CORA4 Asteraceae
dwarf Indian mallow Abutilon parvulum Gray ABPA3 Malvaceae
dwarf milkvetch Astragalus microcystis Gray ASMI4 Fabaceae
dwarf milkweed Asclepias involucrata Engelm. ex Torr. ASIN14 Asclepiadaceae
dwarf mistletoe Arceuthobium Bieb. ARCEU Viscaceae
dwarf morning-glory Convolvulus tricolor L. COTR17 Convolvulaceae
dwarf pawpaw Asimina pygmea (Bartr.) Dunal ASPY2 Annonaceae
dwarf peashrub Caragana aurantiaca Koehne CAAU10 Fabaceae
dwarf rockcress Arabis parishii S. Wats. ARPA Brassicaceae
dwarf sand verbena Abronia nana S. Wats. ABNA Nyctaginaceae
dwarf sand verbena Abronia nana S. Wats. var. nana ABNAN Nyctaginaceae
dwarf sandmat Chamaesyce jejuna (M.C. Johnston & Warnock) Shinners CHJE Euphorbiaceae
dwarf sedge Carex pumila Thunb. CAPU32 Cyperaceae
dwarf serviceberry Amelanchier pumila (Torr. & Gray) Nutt. ex M. Roemer AMPU5 Rosaceae
dwarf she-oak Allocasuarina pusilla (Macklin) L. A. S. Johnson ALPU10 Casuarinaceae
dwarf snapdragon Chaenorhinum (DC.) Reichenb. CHAEN7 Scrophulariaceae
dwarf snapdragon Chaenorhinum minus (L.) Lange CHMI Scrophulariaceae
dwarf spleenwort Asplenium pumilum Sw. ASPU10 Aspleniaceae
dwarf spotflower Acmella pusilla (Hook. & Arn.) R.K. Jansen ACPU Asteraceae
dwarf stickpea Calliandra humilis Benth. CAHU Fabaceae
dwarf stickpea Calliandra humilis Benth. var. humilis CAHUH Fabaceae
dwarf stickpea Calliandra humilis Benth. var. reticulata (Gray) L. Benson CAHUR Fabaceae
dwarf suncup Camissonia pygmaea (Dougl. ex Lehm.) Raven CAPY5 Onagraceae
dwarf thistle Cirsium drummondii Torr. & Gray CIDR2 Asteraceae
dwarf western rosinweed Calycadenia villosa DC. CAVI Asteraceae
dwarf white birch Betula minor (Tuckerman) Fern. BEMI Betulaceae
dwarf white milkvetch Astragalus didymocarpus Hook. & Arn. ASDI3 Fabaceae
dwarf white milkvetch Astragalus didymocarpus Hook. & Arn. var. didymocarpus ASDID2 Fabaceae
dwarf white milkvetch Astragalus didymocarpus Hook. & Arn. var. dispermus (Gray) Jepson ASDID Fabaceae
dwarf white milkvetch Astragalus didymocarpus Hook. & Arn. var. milesianus (Rydb.) Jepson ASDIM Fabaceae
dyed hawthorn Crataegus tinctoria Ashe CRTI2 Rosaceae
eared flatsedge Cyperus auriculatus Nees & Meyen ex Kunth CYAU2 Cyperaceae
eared redstem Ammannia auriculata Willd. AMAU2 Lythraceae
eared rockcress Arabis hastatula Greene ARHA2 Brassicaceae
eared spleenwort Asplenium erosum L. ASER9 Aspleniaceae
earleaf acacia Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunningham ex Benth. ACAU Fabaceae
earleaf brickellbush Brickellia amplexicaulis B.L. Robins. BRAM3 Asteraceae
earleaf brickellbush Brickellia amplexicaulis B.L. Robins. var. amplexicaulis BRAMA Asteraceae
earleaf brickellbush Brickellia amplexicaulis B.L. Robins. var. lanceolata (Gray) B.L. Robins. BRAML Asteraceae
earleaf false foxglove Agalinis auriculata (Michx.) Blake AGAU3 Scrophulariaceae
early crocus Crocus imperati Ten. CRIM4 Iridaceae
early jessamine Cestrum fasciculatum (Schlecht.) Miers CEFA3 Solanaceae
early onion Allium praecox Brandeg. ALPR2 Liliaceae
early sedge Carex praeceptorum Mackenzie CAPR22 Cyperaceae
early wattle Acacia genistifolia Link ACGE8 Fabaceae
early yellowrocket Barbarea verna (P. Mill.) Aschers. BAVE Brassicaceae
earlyleaf brome Bromus latiglumis (Shear) A.S. Hitchc. BRLA4 Poaceae
earth lichen Catapyrenium acarosporoides (Zahlbr.) J. W. Thomson CAAC11 Verrucariaceae
earth lichen Catapyrenium caeruleopulvinum J. W. Thomson CACA69 Verrucariaceae
earth lichen Catapyrenium cinereum (Pers.) Korber CACI13 Verrucariaceae
earth lichen Catapyrenium daedaleum (Krempelh.) Stein in Cohn CADA6 Verrucariaceae
earth lichen Catapyrenium Flotow CATAP2 Verrucariaceae
earth lichen Catapyrenium heppioides (Zahlbr.) J. W. Thomson CAHE23 Verrucariaceae
earth lichen Catapyrenium lachneum (Ach.) R. Sant. CALA60 Verrucariaceae
earth lichen Catapyrenium plumbeum (de Lesd.) J. W. Thomson CAPL15 Verrucariaceae
earth lichen Catapyrenium squamellum (Nyl.) J. W. Thomson CASQ4 Verrucariaceae
east indian arrowroot Curcuma angustifolia Roxb. CUAN2 Zingiberaceae
East Indian island pea Christia verspertilionis (L. f.) Bakh. f. CHVE6 Fabaceae
east indian lemongrass Cymbopogon flexuosus (Nees ex Steudel) J. F. Watson CYFL2 Poaceae
easterbonnets Antheropeas Rydb. ANTHE4 Asteraceae
eastern baccharis Baccharis halimifolia L. BAHA Asteraceae
eastern bluestar Amsonia tabernaemontana Walt. AMTA2 Apocynaceae
eastern bluestar Amsonia tabernaemontana Walt. var. gattingeri Woods. AMTAG Apocynaceae
eastern bluestar Amsonia tabernaemontana Walt. var. salicifolia (Pursh) Woods. AMTAS Apocynaceae
eastern bluestar Amsonia tabernaemontana Walt. var. tabernaemontana AMTAT Apocynaceae
eastern dwarf mistletoe Arceuthobium pusillum Peck ARPU3 Viscaceae
eastern fox sedge Carex triangularis Boeckl. CATR6 Cyperaceae
eastern narrowleaf sedge Carex amphibola Steud. CAAM8 Cyperaceae
eastern redbud Cercis canadensis L. CECA4 Fabaceae
eastern redbud Cercis canadensis L. var. canadensis CECAC Fabaceae
eastern rough sedge Carex scabrata Schwein. CASC13 Cyperaceae
eastern star sedge Carex radiata (Wahlenb.) Small CARA8 Cyperaceae
eastern straw sedge Carex straminea Willd. ex Schkuhr CAST6 Cyperaceae
eastern sweetshrub Calycanthus floridus L. CAFL22 Calycanthaceae
eastern sweetshrub Calycanthus floridus L. var. floridus CAFLF Calycanthaceae
eastern sweetshrub Calycanthus floridus L. var. glaucus (Willd.) Torr. & Gray CAFLG Calycanthaceae
eastern woodland sedge Carex blanda Dewey CABL Cyperaceae
Eastwood's bellflower Campanula angustiflora Eastw. CAAN3 Campanulaceae
Eastwood's fiddleneck Amsinckia eastwoodiae J.F. Macbr. AMEA2 Boraginaceae
Eastwood's manzanita Arctostaphylos glandulosa Eastw. ARGL3 Ericaceae
Eastwood's manzanita Arctostaphylos glandulosa Eastw. ssp. glandulosa ARGLG3 Ericaceae
Eastwood's manzanita Arctostaphylos glandulosa Eastw. ssp. glaucomollis P.V. Wells ARGLG4 Ericaceae
Eastwood's manzanita Arctostaphylos glandulosa Eastw. ssp. mollis (J.E. Adams) P.V. Wells ARGLM2 Ericaceae
Eastwood's milkvetch Astragalus eastwoodiae M.E. Jones ASEA2 Fabaceae
Eastwood's sandwort Arenaria eastwoodiae Rydb. AREA Caryophyllaceae
Eastwood's sandwort Arenaria eastwoodiae Rydb. var. adenophora Kearney & Peebles AREAA Caryophyllaceae
Eastwood's sandwort Arenaria eastwoodiae Rydb. var. eastwoodiae AREAE Caryophyllaceae
Eaton's beggarticks Bidens eatonii Fern. BIEA Asteraceae
Eaton's lipfern Cheilanthes eatonii Baker CHEA Pteridaceae
Eaton's thistle Cirsium eatonii (Gray) B.L. Robins. CIEA Asteraceae
ebony coccuswood Brya ebenus (L.) DC. BREB Fabaceae
ebony sedge Carex ebenea Rydb. CAEB Cyperaceae
ebony spleenwort Asplenium platyneuron (L.) B.S.P. ASPL Aspleniaceae
ebony spleenwort Asplenium platyneuron (L.) B.S.P. var. bacculum-rubrum (Featherman) Fern. ASPLB Aspleniaceae
ebony spleenwort Asplenium platyneuron (L.) B.S.P. var. platyneuron ASPLP Aspleniaceae
Eckfeldt's dot lichen Arthonia eckfeldtii Mull. Arg. AREC Arthoniaceae
edible thistle Cirsium edule Nutt. CIED Asteraceae
Edwards' bluewood Condalia hookeri M.C. Johnston var. edwardsiana (Cory) M.C. Johnston COHOE Rhamnaceae
Edwards Plateau beardgrass Bothriochloa edwardsiana (Gould) Parodi BOED Poaceae
Edwards Plateau five eyes Chamaesaracha edwardsiana Averett CHED Solanaceae
Edwards Plateau milkvetch Astragalus pleianthus (Shinners) Isely ASPL8 Fabaceae
Edwards Plateau sedge Carex edwardsiana Bridges & Orzell CAED5 Cyperaceae
Edwards Plateau thimbleweed Anemone edwardsiana Tharp ANED2 Ranunculaceae
Edwards Plateau thimbleweed Anemone edwardsiana Tharp var. edwardsiana ANEDE Ranunculaceae
Edwards Plateau thimbleweed Anemone edwardsiana Tharp var. petraea Correll ANEDP Ranunculaceae
effluent water-starwort Callitriche trochlearis Fassett CATR2 Callitrichaceae
egg milkvetch Astragalus oophorus S. Wats. ASOO3 Fabaceae
egg milkvetch Astragalus oophorus S. Wats. var. caulescens (M.E. Jones) M.E. Jones ASOOC Fabaceae
egg milkvetch Astragalus oophorus S. Wats. var. clokeyanus Barneby ASOOC2 Fabaceae
egg milkvetch Astragalus oophorus S. Wats. var. lonchocalyx Barneby ASOOL Fabaceae
egg milkvetch Astragalus oophorus S. Wats. var. oophorus ASOOO2 Fabaceae
eggbract sedge Carex ovalis Goodenough CAOV8 Cyperaceae
Eggers' century plant Agave eggersiana Trel. AGEG Agavaceae
eggleaf coraldrops Besseya oblongifolia Pennell BEOB2 Scrophulariaceae
eggleaf lacefern Ctenitis nemorosa (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Ching CTNE Dryopteridaceae
Eggleston's milkvetch Astragalus egglestonii (Rydb.) Kearney & Peebles ASEG Fabaceae
Eggleston's sedge Carex egglestonii Mackenzie CAEG Cyperaceae
eggyolk lichen Candelariella athallina (Wedd.) Du Rietz CAAT60 Candelariaceae
eggyolk lichen Candelariella aurella (Hoffm.) Zahlbr. CAAU60 Candelariaceae
eggyolk lichen Candelariella citrina de Lesd. CACI12 Candelariaceae
eggyolk lichen Candelariella efflorescens R. C. Harris & W. R. Buck CAEF Candelariaceae
eggyolk lichen Candelariella lutella (Vainio) Rasanen CALU22 Candelariaceae
eggyolk lichen Candelariella Mull. Arg. CANDE3 Candelariaceae
eggyolk lichen Candelariella placodizans (Nyl.) H. Magn. CAPL13 Candelariaceae
eggyolk lichen Candelariella plumbea Poelt & Vezda CAPL14 Candelariaceae
eggyolk lichen Candelariella rosulans (Mull. Arg.) Zahlbr. CARO30 Candelariaceae
eggyolk lichen Candelariella stenospora de Lesd. CAST44 Candelariaceae
eggyolk lichen Candelariella subdeflexa (Nyl.) Lettau CASU40 Candelariaceae
eggyolk lichen Candelariella terrigena Rasanen CATE61 Candelariaceae
eggyolk lichen Candelariella vitellina (Hoffm.) Mull. Arg. CAVI60 Candelariaceae
eggyolk lichen Candelariella xanthostigma (Ach.) Lettau CAXA60 Candelariaceae
Egyptian carissa Carissa edulis (Forsk.) Vahl [excluded] CAED8 Apocynaceae
Egyptian spleenwort Asplenium aethiopicum (N.L. Burm.) Becherer ASAE2 Aspleniaceae
Ehrenberg's barbula moss Barbula ehrenbergii (Lor.) Fleisch. BAEH Pottiaceae
eke silversword Argyroxiphium caliginis Forbes ARCA22 Asteraceae
'ekoko Chamaesyce celastroides (Boiss.) Croizat & Deg. CHCE Euphorbiaceae
'ekoko Chamaesyce celastroides (Boiss.) Croizat & Deg. var. amplectens (Sherff) O.& I. Deg. CHCEA Euphorbiaceae
'ekoko Chamaesyce celastroides (Boiss.) Croizat & Deg. var. celastroides CHCEC Euphorbiaceae
'ekoko Chamaesyce celastroides (Boiss.) Croizat & Deg. var. hanapepensis (Sherff) O.& I. Deg. CHCEH Euphorbiaceae
'ekoko Chamaesyce celastroides (Boiss.) Croizat & Deg. var. kaenana (Sherff) O.& I. Deg. CHCEK Euphorbiaceae
'ekoko Chamaesyce celastroides (Boiss.) Croizat & Deg. var. laehiensis (O.& I. Deg. & Sherff) Koutnik CHCEL Euphorbiaceae
'ekoko Chamaesyce celastroides (Boiss.) Croizat & Deg. var. lorifolia (Gray) O.& I. Deg. CHCEL2 Euphorbiaceae
'ekoko Chamaesyce celastroides (Boiss.) Croizat & Deg. var. stokesii (Forbes) O.& I. Deg. CHCES Euphorbiaceae
'ekoko Chamaesyce celastroides (Boiss.) Croizat & Deg. var. tomentella (Boiss.) Koutnik CHCET Euphorbiaceae
El Dorado mule-ears Agnorhiza reticulata (Greene) W.A. Weber AGRE8 Asteraceae
eleele cyanea Cyanea eleeleensis (St. John) Lammers CYEL8 Campanulaceae
elegant amygdalaria lichen Amygdalaria elegantior (H. Magn.) Hertel & Brodo AMEL60 Porpidiaceae
elegant clarkia Clarkia unguiculata Lindl. CLUN Onagraceae
elegant disc lichen Buellia elegans Poelt BUEL2 Physciaceae
elegant dutchman's pipe Aristolochia elegans Mast. AREL10 Aristolochiaceae
elegant hawksbeard Crepis elegans Hook. CREL Asteraceae
elegant hawthorn Crataegus poliophylla Sarg. CRPO Rosaceae
elegant Indian paintbrush Castilleja elegans Malte CAEL6 Scrophulariaceae
elegant kihifern Adenophorus abietinus (D.C. Eat.) K.A. Wilson ADAB Grammitidaceae
elegant mariposa lily Calochortus elegans Pursh CAEL Liliaceae
elegant mariposa lily Calochortus elegans Pursh var. elegans CAELE Liliaceae
elegant mariposa lily Calochortus elegans Pursh var. nanus Wood CAELN Liliaceae
elegant mariposa lily Calochortus elegans Pursh var. oreophilus Ownbey CAELO Liliaceae
elegant milkvetch Astragalus eucosmus B.L. Robins. ASEU2 Fabaceae
elegant rockcress Arabis sparsiflora Nutt. var. arcuata (Nutt.) Rollins ARSPA Brassicaceae
elegant rockcress Arabis sparsiflora Nutt. var. atrorubens (Suksdorf ex Greene) Rollins ARSPA2 Brassicaceae
elemi frankincense Boswellia frereana Birdw. BOFR3 Burseraceae
elephant creeper Argyreia nervosa (Burm. f.) Bojer ARNE4 Convolvulaceae
elephant tree Boswellia papyrifera (Del. ex Caill.) Hochst. BOPA11 Burseraceae
elephant tree Bursera microphylla Gray BUMI Burseraceae
elephant-ear Bergenia Moench BERGE2 Saxifragaceae
Elizabeth's milkvetch Astragalus desperatus M.E. Jones var. neeseae Barneby ASDEN Fabaceae
elk sedge Carex garberi Fern. CAGA3 Cyperaceae
elk thistle Cirsium foliosum (Hook.) DC. CIFO Asteraceae
Elko cryptantha Cryptantha interrupta (Greene) Payson CRIN9 Boraginaceae
Elko rockcress Arabis falcifructa Rollins ARFA3 Brassicaceae
Elliott's bentgrass Agrostis elliottiana J.A. Schultes AGEL4 Poaceae
Elliott's bluestem Andropogon gyrans Ashe ANGY2 Poaceae
Elliott's bluestem Andropogon gyrans Ashe var. gyrans ANGYG Poaceae
Elliott's bluestem Andropogon gyrans Ashe var. stenophyllus (Hack.) C. Campbell ANGYS Poaceae
Elliott's croton Croton elliottii Chapman CREL3 Euphorbiaceae
Elliott's sedge Carex elliottii Schwein. & Torr. CAEL9 Cyperaceae
ellipticleaf cyanea Cyanea elliptica (Rock) Lammers CYEL5 Campanulaceae
ellipticleaf papala Charpentiera elliptica (Hbd.) Heller CHEL Amaranthaceae
Ellis' stinking milkvetch Astragalus praelongus Sheldon var. ellisiae (Rydb.) Barneby ASPRE Fabaceae
Elmendorf's onion Allium elmendorfii M.E. Jones ex Ownbey ALEL Liliaceae
elongated bluehearts Buchnera longifolia Kunth BULO Scrophulariaceae
elongated mustard Brassica elongata Ehrh. BREL2 Brassicaceae
embrert Clerodendrum inerme (L.) Gaertn. CLIN2 Verbenaceae
Emmons' sedge Carex albicans Willd. ex Spreng. var. emmonsii (Dewey ex Torr.) J. Rettig CAALE Cyperaceae
Emory's baccharis Baccharis emoryi Gray BAEM Asteraceae
Emory's milkvetch Astragalus emoryanus (Rydb.) Cory ASEM2 Fabaceae
Emory's milkvetch Astragalus emoryanus (Rydb.) Cory var. emoryanus ASEME Fabaceae
Emory's milkvetch Astragalus emoryanus (Rydb.) Cory var. terlinguensis (Cory) Barneby ASEMT Fabaceae
Emory's milkweed Asclepias emoryi (Greene) Vail ASEM Asclepiadaceae
Emory's sedge Carex emoryi Dewey CAEM2 Cyperaceae
Enander's sedge Carex lenticularis Michx. var. dolia (M.E. Jones) L.A. Standley CALED Cyperaceae
enchanter's nightshade Circaea L. CIRCA Onagraceae
Encinitis false willow Baccharis vanessae Beauchamp BAVA3 Asteraceae
Engelmann's hawthorn Crataegus engelmannii Sarg. CREN Rosaceae
Engelmann's milkweed Asclepias engelmanniana Woods. ASEN Asclepiadaceae
Engelmann's sedge Carex engelmannii Bailey CAEN3 Cyperaceae
Engelmann's thistle Cirsium engelmannii Rydb. CIEN2 Asteraceae
Englemann's milkvetch Astragalus distortus Torr. & Gray var. engelmannii (Sheldon) M.E. Jones ASDIE Fabaceae
entireleaf Indian paintbrush Castilleja indivisa Engelm. CAIN13 Scrophulariaceae
entireleaf spiritweed Aegiphila integrifolia (Jacq.) Jacq. AEIN5 Verbenaceae
entireleaf western daisy Astranthium integrifolium (Michx.) Nutt. ASIN9 Asteraceae
entireleaf western daisy Astranthium integrifolium (Michx.) Nutt. ssp. ciliatum (Raf.) DeJong ASINC Asteraceae
entireleaf western daisy Astranthium integrifolium (Michx.) Nutt. ssp. integrifolium ASINI2 Asteraceae
entireleaf yellow false foxglove Aureolaria laevigata (Raf.) Raf. AULA Scrophulariaceae
epiphytic flatsedge Cyperus lanceolatus Poir. CYLA5 Cyperaceae
epiphytic orange lichen Caloplaca epiphyta Lynge CAEP4 Teloschistaceae
erect brachymenium moss Brachymenium erectum (Hook.) Marg. BRER7 Bryaceae
erect brome Bromus erectus Huds. BRER3 Poaceae
erect centella Centella erecta (L. f.) Fern. CEER2 Apiaceae
erect spiderling Boerhavia erecta L. BOER Nyctaginaceae
erectstem saltbush Atriplex erecticaulis Stutz, Chu & Sanderson ATER Chenopodiaceae
Erwin's red turtlehead Chelone obliqua L. var. erwiniae Pennell & Wherry CHOBE Scrophulariaceae
escabon Chamaecytisus prolifera (L. f.) Link CHPR14 Fabaceae
Escalante milkvetch Astragalus newberryi Gray var. escalantinus Barneby ASNEE Fabaceae
escarpment milkvetch Astragalus striatiflorus M.E. Jones ASST6 Fabaceae
Eschscholtz's hairy rockcress Arabis eschscholtziana Andrz. ARES5 Brassicaceae
escoba babosa Bastardia bivalvis (Cav.) Kunth BABI5 Malvaceae
escobilla butterflybush Buddleja scordioides Kunth BUSC Buddlejaceae
escorzonera Craniolaria annua L. CRAN8 Pedaliaceae
Essex hawthorn Crataegus spissa Sarg. CRSP6 Rosaceae
estuary beggarticks Bidens hyperborea Greene BIHY Asteraceae
estuary beggarticks Bidens hyperborea Greene var. hyperborea BIHYH Asteraceae
estuary sedge Carex recta Boott CARE14 Cyperaceae
Ethiopian dogstooth grass Cynodon aethiopicus W.D. Clayton & Harlan CYAE2 Poaceae
Ethiopian rattlebox Crotalaria brevidens Benth. CRBR8 Fabaceae
Ethiopian rattlebox Crotalaria brevidens Benth. var. brevidens CRBRB Fabaceae
Ethiopian rattlebox Crotalaria brevidens Benth. var. intermedia (Kotschy) Polhill CRBRI Fabaceae
Eton rosemary Conradina etonia Kral & McCartney COET Lamiaceae
Eureka milkvetch Astragalus eurekensis M.E. Jones ASEU4 Fabaceae
Eureka Springs hawthorn Crataegus carrollensis Sarg. CRCA22 Rosaceae
European alder Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. ALGL2 Betulaceae
European beachgrass Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link AMAR4 Poaceae
European bellflower Campanula bononiensis L. CABO8 Campanulaceae
European bishop Bifora testiculata (L.) Spreng. BITE3 Apiaceae
European centaury Centaurium erythraea Rafn CEER5 Gentianaceae
European chestnut Castanea sativa P. Mill. CASA27 Fagaceae
European chickweed Cerastium pumilum W. Curtis CEPU4 Caryophyllaceae
European columbine Aquilegia vulgaris L. AQVU Ranunculaceae
European fan palm Chamaerops humilis L. CHHU7 Arecaceae
European hackberry Celtis australis L. CEAU8 Ulmaceae
European hornbeam Carpinus betulus L. CABE8 Betulaceae
European lily of the valley Convallaria majalis L. COMA7 Liliaceae
European marshwort Apium nodiflorum (L.) Lag. APNO Apiaceae
European milkvetch Astragalus hamosus L. ASHA13 Fabaceae
European searocket Cakile maritima Scop. CAMA Brassicaceae
European smoketree Cotinus coggygria Scop. COCO10 Anacardiaceae
European swallow-wort Cynanchum rossicum (Kleopov) Borhidi CYRO8 Asclepiadaceae
European thimbleweed Anemone nemorosa L. ANNE4 Ranunculaceae
European water plantain Alisma plantago-aquatica L. ALPL Alismataceae
European white birch Betula pendula Roth BEPE3 Betulaceae
European woodland sedge Carex sylvatica Huds. CASY3 Cyperaceae
Evans' reindeer lichen Cladina evansii (Abbayes) Hale & Culb. CLEV Cladoniaceae
evening rainlily Cooperia drummondii Herbert CODR2 Liliaceae
Everglade Key sandmat Chamaesyce conferta Small CHCO10 Euphorbiaceae
Everglades palm Acoelorraphe wrightii (Griseb. & H. Wendl.) H. Wendl. ex Becc. ACWR4 Arecaceae
evergreen clematis Clematis vitalba L. CLVI6 Ranunculaceae
evergreen everlasting Antennaria suffrutescens Greene ANSU3 Asteraceae
Evermann's pincushion Chaenactis evermannii Greene CHEV Asteraceae
Evert's springparsley Cymopterus evertii R.L. Hartman & Kirkpatrick CYEV Apiaceae
exserted Indian paintbrush Castilleja exserta (Heller) Chuang & Heckard CAEX14 Scrophulariaceae
exserted Indian paintbrush Castilleja exserta (Heller) Chuang & Heckard ssp. exserta CAEXE Scrophulariaceae
exserted Indian paintbrush Castilleja exserta (Heller) Chuang & Heckard ssp. venusta (Heller) Chuang & Heckard CAEXV Scrophulariaceae
eyebane Chamaesyce nutans (Lag.) Small CHNU9 Euphorbiaceae
eyebright ayenia Ayenia euphrasiifolia Griseb. AYEU Sterculiaceae

Source:  U. S. Department of Agriculture

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