I think I have identified a business opportunity that might work for Bryce/maybe Bobbie. It would take some time to put it together but not a lot of investment.
For Homeowners
I like the change this makes and can see everyone on the street doing it—the more people in a (we have a good start on Thorndyke—maybe “comp” Shary and Kirill/Evelyn and then see if others want to do it.
Sure people can do it themselves using a pressure washer and that’s fine, but there are thousands of houses that could do this and a lot of people don’t want to pressure wash (and it can cause aches and pains as we’ve seen). Plus we know what pressure to use and any coatings to put on it. At the moment there is no one doing this.
Equipment: Electric or gas pressure washer, hoses, extension cords, broom
Who Does the work? Bryce does the pressure washing and can collect when finished or leave an invoice. The homeowner does not need to be home. This work can be done in any weather except for freezing—perhaps set-aside a day to be on Magnolia and schedule 3-4 jobs.
How Much to Charge? To be determined; perhaps charge by the number of “squares”. Maybe charge “Travel Charge” and then per-square
Marketing Plan: Create a business entity: SeattleSidewalks.com. Experiment with putting up signs that are left up during the job and a few days after. Consider “flyers” to be handed out to the neighbors. This is something that Bobbie could do. Perhaps there’s a way to use Google advertising
This sidewalk work might lead to other work, such as pressure washing driveways and stairways, etc.
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